3 Things That Could Ruin Your Rare Coins

Many people start collecting coins as a way to build an investment portfolio for the future. Coins are small enough to store that you don't have to worry about needing a separate space for your collection. While rare coins are a great investment for the future, you have to make sure you take care of them properly to prevent doing any damage to the coins. Before you can ask, "Where can I sell rare coins?" you first have to ask, "Are my rare coins in good enough condition to sell?" Here are three things that you might not realize could destroy your rare coin collection and cause you to lose money when you go to sell them.

Touching your coins.

While it is only natural to want to look at your coins, touch them and show them off, that could do far more damage than you even realize. Your body contains natural oils that can destroy the finish of the coins. If you do have to handle your coins, you need to wear some form of cotton gloves to make sure that your natural oils aren't transferred to the coins.

Attempting to clean your coins.

If your coins are a little dirty and dingy looking, it makes sense that you would want to clean them to spruce them up a bit. However, that could wind up doing far more harm than you realize. Using harsh cleaning agents on your coins could strip their natural finish off and scratch the surface. The only time coins should ever be cleaned is when they are dug out of something, like a big pile of dirt or something similar. Even then, it should be done by a professional dealer to prevent damage to the coin.

Not storing your coins properly.

Coins need to be stored properly to prevent additional damage. If you throw your coins upstairs in your attic or downstairs in the basement, they are going to be exposed to high levels of humidity and moisture. That can cause the coins to oxidize from all of the added moisture. Your coins need to be stored in a cool, dry environment at all times. Keep them somewhere where you can control the climate and prevent them from getting too damp.

By avoiding the practices mentioned above, you can make sure your coins look amazing for quite some time. Not only are you preserving their integrity, but you are boosting their value for the future.
